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Home Cooperation Institute of Certified Public Accountants Stefan Belchev

Stefan Belchev

Stefan Belchev sait
Stefan Aleksandrov Belchev has a master's degree in "Finance" and another one in "Economics and Industrial Management". He has a PhD in "Accounting, Control and Economic Activity Analysis". He has a diverse background in the field of financial audit and worked as a Financial Auditor, Financial Expert, Internal Auditor, State Expert and Director of the Internal Audit Directorate at the Ministry of Finance. Currently, he is a Director of the "Control Methodology and Internal Audit Directorate" at the Ministry of Finance. He is a Vice Chairman of the Institute of Internal Auditors in Bulgaria Governing Board. He chaired the Supervisory Board of the Bulgarian Development Bank and held a position as a Chairman or Member in several Audit Committees.



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The Commission for Public Oversight on Statutory Auditors was established in compliance with the Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

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