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Home International Relations International organizations VANYA DONEVA


Ваня Донева saitMrs. Doneva holds a master’s degree in “Accounting and Control” from the Economic University of Varna, Bulgaria. She has an additional qualification “Manager” in “Project Management” from the Academy of Economics “D. Tsenov”, Svishtov, Centre for Postgraduate and Facultative Education. Vanya Doneva is a certified internal auditor in the public sector and a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors of Bulgaria.
She began her career as a labour organizer, specialist in pricing, accountant and has worked in the System of Central Cooperative Union.
In the period 1996-2009 she worked in the field of financial control and internal audit as Chief Financial Inspector and State Auditor in the State Financial Control, and later as Head of Internal Audit Unit in Balchik municipality.
From 2009 until her election as Chairman of the Commission for Public Oversight of Statutory Auditors, she was a Member of Parliament in the 41st National Assembly, member of two standing committees – the “Budget and Finance” and the “Agriculture and Forestry”. Mrs. Doneva is a lecturer in risk assessment and internal audit in the public sector.


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The Commission for Public Oversight on Statutory Auditors was established in compliance with the Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

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