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Home Oversight Activity Report on the Activity Todor Shopov

Todor Shopov

T ShopovTodor Shopov holds a degree in “Economics of Labor” from the University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia, Bulgaria. Has an additional qualification in “Bank Management”.
Assistant Professor at UNWE, Department of "Financial Control”. Lecturer in Banking, Internal Financial Control and Audit. Shopov has been an assistant Professor at UNWE since 1998 and a part-time lecturer at the New Bulgarian University.
In the period 1985-1990, he was a financial analyst in “Kremikovtzi” JSC and Chief Inspector at the Ministry of Economy in 1992.
In the period 1992-1995, Shopov was a Deputy Director of “Balkanbank”, “Municipal Bank” and “Teximbank”.
Shopov has been an auditor, a Senior Auditor and a Chief Auditor in the Bulgarian National Audit Office (BNAO) in the period 1996-2006.
From 2006 to 2010 he was a Deputy CEO of "Sofia Airport" JSC.
Selected by the 41st National Assembly as a member of the Advisory Board of BNAO on 7th April 2011.


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The Commission for Public Oversight on Statutory Auditors was established in compliance with the Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

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